Community Partners

Maryland’s cycling community is strong, vibrant, and most of all supportive of Baltimore Youth Cycling. This includes our generous cycling shop partners, advocacy groups, cycling clubs and enthusiasts, and Baltimore County Parks and Recreation. As a 100% volunteer run organization much of our success is dependent upon these important community partners. Whether they are supporting BYC through grants, donations and sponsorships, swag, or advocacy, our partners are the pillars to our program!

Squirt Cycling Products logo
Charm City Cyclocross logo
Patapsco Bicycles logo
Handup logo
Dirt Rooster logo

Thanks to Baltimore County Parks and Recreation allowing BYC to utilize its beautiful facilities throughout the County. Especially, Baltimore County Center for Maryland Agricultural and Farm Park, Banneker Community Center, and Oregon Ridge Nature Center.

A special thanks to our grant partner Baltimore Bicycling Club for their annual generous grant and Gross Mendelsohn for their generous Frosty Cross Sponsorship.

Photograph of ten people on bikes standing in a line

BYC owns a collection of cyclocross bikes. These bikes are crucial to get our rookies rolling! The fleet includes bikes with different wheel sizes to suit all heights (or sizes) in the 8-16 year old range, intended for our first-year riders.

Frosty Cross Race Sponsors help by providing critical course step up and design while others donate the best racing prizes of all time. Thanks for making BYC’s Frosty Cross a huge success.

Email Tracy Lynott to see how you can support BYC as a Shop Partner or Generous Sponsor.